Heal Thyself Institute is a Direct Primary Care (DPC) membership program. By being a member of this program, a patient is entitled to receive the covered services as part of the membership agreement. The agreement renews on a one-month term or can be paid annually. This agreement may be terminated at any time with a 30 day notice by patient or practice.

The initial patient assessment is $225 and the membership is $75 per month for the basic membership and is on a phase system for the advanced and is billed automatically on the first of the month. The membership is credited on yoru account for the first appointment each month, they do not rollover. Additional appointments cost $75 for 15 minutes (1 unit) and $150-200 for 30 minutes (2 units) and are paid at the time of appointment. 

Services included in the DPC are: Chiropractic adjustments, neuromuscular rehabilitation, laser therapy, nerve therapy, primitive reflex assesment, child developmental assessment, vibration therapy and right eye assessment.

Please note, Heal Thyself Institute does not accept insurance. Due to regulations with Direct Primary Care Agreements, superbills will not be provided either. Please consult your tax advisor with questions about Health Savings Plans and Direct Primary Care.