At Heal Thyself Institute, we're constantly seeking innovative ways to improve patient outcomes and help you achieve your health goals. One of our newest tools is the Motion Guidance Visual Feedback System, which we're now incorporating into many of our therapy appointments. This advanced system adds an exciting layer of precision and engagement to our treatments, allowing patients to actively participate in their rehabilitation while gaining real-time feedback on their movements.

Combined with other therapies like the Rezzimax, VibePlate, colored glasses, and balance tools, the Motion Guidance system enhances the brain-body connection and helps target weaker or imbalanced areas of the brain. Whether you're working on balance, coordination, or brain stimulation, this approach is designed to supercharge your therapy.

How It Works

The Motion Guidance system gives immediate feedback on movement, allowing patients to adjust their actions and retrain their brains. We use this system for improving eye movements, which target different brain regions, promoting better motor control and cognitive function. It’s especially effective for balance, coordination, and treating neurological conditions, including integrating primitive reflexes.

How We Use Motion Guidance in Our Therapy Appointments

In our office, we don't just use the Motion Guidance System by itself—we combine it with several other therapeutic tools to enhance its effectiveness. By pairing the visual feedback system with therapies that stimulate both the brain and body, we're able to address the root cause of imbalances and dysfunctions in a comprehensive way.

  • Laser and Wall Maze for Movement Accuracy: Patients are guided to move the laser along a maze projected on the wall, helping to improve their range of motion, coordination, and precision. This is especially useful for retraining movement patterns and addressing motor control issues.

  • Rezzimax for Vibration Therapy: The Rezzimax device is a handheld tool that delivers gentle vibrations to stimulate nerves and muscles. When combined with the Motion Guidance System, it helps to "wake up" underactive muscles or areas of the brain that need more stimulation. This coactivation leads to quicker improvements in both motor and cognitive function.

  • VibePlate for Whole-Body Vibration: The VibePlate is a vibrating platform that patients stand or sit on during therapy. It enhances proprioception, or the body's sense of position and movement, making it a perfect complement to the Motion Guidance System. The vibrations stimulate the muscles and nervous system, amplifying the benefits of visual feedback and balance work.

  • Colored Glasses for Brain Stimulation: We also use red or blue-colored glasses to stimulate specific sides of the brain. Research has shown that different colors of light can activate different regions of the brain, helping to restore balance between the brain's hemispheres. By combining these colored glasses with visual feedback and other therapies, we can target and stimulate the weaker side of the brain for more effective treatment.

  • Bosu for Balance and Core Activation: For patients working on balance and core strength, we often incorporate a Bosu ball—a half-sphere balance tool—into their Motion Guidance therapy. Standing or performing movements on the Bosu adds an extra challenge for balance, requiring the brain and body to work together for stability. This dynamic combination improves coordination, posture, and proprioception, while also stimulating the nervous system.

Who Can Benefit from Motion Guidance Therapy?

The Motion Guidance Visual Feedback System, especially when combined with therapies like vibration, colored glasses, and balance tools, benefits a wide range of patients. This approach is particularly helpful for those dealing with:

  • Children with Developmental Delays and Primitive Reflexes: The system aids in integrating retained primitive reflexes, strengthening body tone, and improving motor control, supporting children with developmental challenges to enhance coordination and brain function.

  • Neurological Conditions: Patients recovering from a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or managing neurodegenerative conditions can use visual feedback to improve motor control and stimulate brain function.

  • Balance and Coordination Issues: Individuals with balance problems, whether due to neurological issues, aging, or injury, benefit from the precision and real-time correction the Motion Guidance System provides.

  • Chronic Pain or Muscle Imbalance: Patients with chronic pain or imbalances often have inefficient movement patterns. Visual feedback helps retrain these patterns and restore proper function.


Experience the Future of Therapy at Heal Thyself Institute

At Heal Thyself Institute, we're proud to offer cutting-edge tools like the Motion Guidance Visual Feedback System as part of our therapy appointments. By combining this innovative system with other therapies like Rezzimax, VibePlate, colored glasses, and balance training, we’re able to create a truly personalized and effective treatment plan that supports your body’s natural healing abilities.

If you're looking to enhance your therapy experience and achieve faster, more lasting results, contact us today to learn more about how the Motion Guidance System can benefit you.

Waldo Amadeo

Waldo Amadeo

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